Pop'n Music

More fandoms...

...coming eventually!


My tumblr

My ao3

Now Playing...

Strobe Nights

by kz (livetune)


Hello and welcome to the web site! It's me from the tumblr and ao3- p.s.yokubo. This is my personal-ish site where I talk about things I like!
This site is an eternally under construction but I plan for it to have sections for multiple fandoms, and in those sections there will be lots of things.
Things means pages, and those pages will be stuff like: character pages, my art, my fanfics, my AUs, general yapping, unhinged rambling, and anything else I feel like adding.
So yeah that's about it for the intro. I hope you enjoy your stay :D

Why that image?

Yeah it is a bit unrelated to this page. I put it here bc I needed an image to test putting pics on the site. And I like that one. MZD and Milk. They're both very cute.
Anyway, yeah, maybe I'll change it to smth more relevant later.

Why the music?

Because I love music :D
There's really not much more to it than that. I thought it would be fun to pick a song for each page.
Oh btw most browsers don't autoplay music by default, so if you want to hear the songs, either change your browser settings to allow audio autoplay or just press play on the little control thing on this site.

Update 2 - 9/15/24

Homepage is now presentable!
I'll work on it more later. And I'll also work on getting a fandom page up too. That second one is gonna be a lot of work lol

Update 1 - 9/14/24

The first day of working on the site!

It's really hard...but I still wanna do it!

Rn it looks kinda. not good.

But it will be good in the future!

I'm putting so many paragraphs so I can test this scroll box btw